Radar Tokyo Keiki BR-3210

23.1inch LCD Multi Function Color Radar

  • Complies with latest IMO standards.
  • Efficient target detection/ improved target functions.
  • The display can be arranged as STAND ALONE or UNIT type.
  • 2 unit(T/R up mast) or 3 unit(T/R down mast) option available.
  • Easy operation
    Standard RADAR functions are easy to call up and can easily be operated via the trackball and switches on the operation panel.
  • Substantially improved target detection efficiency
    With the latest digital signal processing technology, small target detection during heavy weather has been substantially improved, also comes with an automatic clutter removal function that responds to hydrographic conditions.
  • Further enhanced target functions
    Possible to track up to a maximum of 100 targets (ARPA)
    Possible to display up to a maximum of 300 AIS targets
  • Output signals
    Target data (TT), Radar Video, RGB data, Alarm data, Watch-man alarm reset as standard outputs.
  • Improved installation
    UNIT type makes it possible to adjust and arrange for any installation space.
    All cables between the units are provided making the job easier for the shipyard.


Giờ làm việc
  • Văn Phòng
  • Hàng ngày
  • Sáng 7h30 đến 12h00
  • Chiều 13h30 đến 17h00
  • Ngày nghỉ
  • Chủ nhật và ngày lễ
  • Dịch vụ: 24/7
  • Tel: +84 225 3842076
  • contact@vnmec.com.vn
  • sales@vnmec.com.vn
  • Số người truy cập:461569
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